I have an amazing project that I've been working on, and I am finally ready to share the first phase of it with you...
My friend Shawna that lives in San Fran is having a baby girl very soon. Her and her husband painted a beautiful mural of a white tree in the nursery. She mentioned that she wanted seasonal decorations for the tree- and I offered to make them. Of course.

Here is a shot of her nursery. The Stokke crib looks so perfect under those branches- I can't wait to see all the different seasons!
I started the hunt for patterns and ideas as soon as I got the go ahead. I found everything except what I needed to make first...
Spring: bluebirds and apple blossoms.
Sounds easy, right?
I scoured the internets for pictures, patterns, ideas, anything to help me make the perfect blossoms. I found nothing. (nothing that lived up to my standards, anyway)
At first I made the blossoms out of chiffon. They were pretty, but not at all what I had pictured in my mind. One desperate night I even considered buying some from someone on Etsy- but nobody was selling apple blossoms. So I started over. I played with some felt, and finally came up with the perfect blossom.
I did find a free pattern for a bluebird, but it was terrible. I made quite a few versions trying to get it just right. They all looked like flying fish.
So I started over. I drew from scratch my very own pattern. It took me forever, and it was very frustrating. I don't believe I will be writing patterns for a living ever. No rag-a-muffin book in my future.
BUT. How sweet did they turn out? Damn near perfect, that's what I think. And if I ever need bluebirds again, I will have a pattern.
I'd like to say that since I made the pattern, it was the most rewarding project ever. It was not. I am proud of what I learned, accomplished, etc. But I far more enjoy making something from an existing pattern, and getting it right the first time, rather than ripping up designs and having a sad little pile of mistakes behind the sewing machine mocking me as I try try again.
I have already started on the next season, so stay tuned!
(edited to add AFTER PHOTO'S!)
After we moved to San Francisco, I got the chance to take some photos of Mina's nursery in all it's Spring glory!
Shawna hung the birds in the mobile, I think it's so cute!