Here are some of the apron's that I have made. Excuse some of the photography, it was winter, plus we live in a basement- and I couldn't get the lighting right.
(Lindsey's Wedding) I love Alexander Henry's Apples & Pears Fabric! (3/27/09)
(Kim) Farmers Market Fabrics by Michael Miller (1/07/09)
(me) Benartex & Moda Fabrics (1/15/09)
(my mom for Mother's Day 09) Alexander Henry's "Juicy" with Michael Miller's "Kid's check" (5/7/09)
(and yes I know that the print is indeed upside down. Leave it to me to make my mom a gift and mess it up!)
(my mom) and of course I had to make a matching kitchen towel...felted wool lemons on a yellow bamboo tea towel.
(Kristin's Wedding) Hello! Love the Robert Kaufman Cupcakes!! (2/14/09)